"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"  -Mahatma Gandhi


When volunteers commit to serving at a school, students achieve higher grades, have access to more opportunities, and gain community connections to help them thrive.

Edmonds School District requires volunteers to be screened and approved for in-person work prior to being in the school. The application process is linked HERE.  PTA membership is appreciated, but not required to volunteer. Volunteers of every time level are appreciated! Want to help our kids learn and grow and connect to our community? Opportunities and sign-ups will be listed here! Check out planned events for this year on our Programs & Activities page.

Get involved >> Follow us on social media and contact Volunteer@TerraceParkPTA.com

   The PTA could not have provided the many programs, events and support to our Terrace Park community and staff without our amazing volunteers and supporters!!  

Thank you to our Earth Day School Clean Up volunteers, Cultural Night participants, Staff Appreciation Week, STEM night and CARNIVAL volunteers!   

Our community is stronger thanks to you!

Terrace Park PTA needs YOU next year!

The Terrace Park PTA has a lot of plans for the next year. But we can’t do it alone. We need lots and lots of volunteers. Whether you are interested in chairing an event, joining the board, or just dipping your toe in with a discrete task we have ways for everyone to help. You will not be alone. We will help by mentoring or co chairing right along side you to help create a memorable and fun year for our Terrace Park students and families. Below are some of the volunteer opportunities. More are always popping up. If you are interested in helping please email Volunteer@TerraceParkPTA.com, Board@TerraceParkPTA.com or speak with any board member.

Open Board Positions

Co President - Share the load with our current President to help run the PTA. We are looking for someone who would like to be involved with the PTA for future years. This is a way to learn the role and then share it with a future co president.

Vice President - This role does not have many official duties but is a support to the president role and can fill in at meetings and events when the co presidents are not available. And you get a vote in board decisions

Membership coordinator - Helps keep our membership up to date. Some data entry and making sure forms and docs are available at membership events.

Teacher Appreciation Chair - Organizes several teacher appreciation events and gifts throughout the year.

Communications Chair - We need a communications calendar and someone to help us stick to it. That would include a monthly newsletter, and communication with the school office for inclusion in weekly emails. 

Event and program chair opportunities

Directory Coordinator - Organizes and manages distribution of the Terrace Park Family Directory. Lots of data entry and emailing that can be done from home any time of day. Many of the resources from last year can easily be repurposed so you will not be starting from scratch. This is a project that happens early in the year and is complete by the end of October.

Read - A- Thon CoChair - This is our second big fundraiser that happens in March. We may have one CoChair already but need a second. Lots of printing, data entry, ordering and distributing prizes and collecting donations.

Conference Week Camp - School conferences happen in Late October and the PTA hosts after school activity camps. We have Missoula Children's Theatre, and we usually also do a sports camp, art camp, and science Camp. We need a coordinator for each camp. That includes coordinating with the content providers, registration, and organizing volunteers. 

Book Fair CoChair - We have one CoChair already and are looking for a second. The book fair will be during conference week in late October. This will involve helping to coordinate volunteers and set up/ take down, book ordering, creating fliers, decorating, and working with the teachers and the librarian to create wish lists and class visits.

Lego Club Chair - Manage registration, volunteers and curriculum for after school Lego club

Wolf Walk Chair - Manage volunteers and event logistics for this outdoor spirit walk for all of the Terrace Park Students in Late September

Math Night Chair - Coordinate volunteers, and exhibits for Math night January 19th. You will have a great mentor!

Skate Night Chair - Secure a location and manage registration for an all school Skating night In September.

Swim Night Chair - Coordinate with the Pavillion to secure pool times. Coordinate Pizza and drinks for 3 to 4 school swim nights in November

Watch Dogs Coordinator - We are looking for a dad to bring back the national Watch Dogs program to Terrace Park. It involves coordinating volunteer dads to be in the school as a supportive presence for the students.

One time project or flexible time help

Work Room help - We would like to offer help to teachers with things like printing, folding, cutting, stapling etc. We are putting together a brigade to help out in the school workroom to help with these things. Come learn to use the laminator!

Room parents - Help teachers coordinate with their families for things like field trips and coordinating classroom volunteers.

Stem Night Silent Auction help - Secure silent auction items from local businesses and families and coordinate distribution of items to auction winners.

Sign up Genius spots - We will post sign up genius links for help at specific events. That is usually just an hour or two commitment one time. These will be linked in our social media accounts and posted to our website, TerraceParkPTA.com. These will include Book fair, Wolf Walk, Art Walk - hanging art, Holiday Bazaar Help, Conference Week camp volunteers, Concession help at PTA events, Carnival booth help, Math night activity helpers and more.

2 drop in volunteer opportunities  You do not need to sign up for these. Just show up:

Chalk the Walk - We will write welcome messages and Wolf themed art in chalk on the front walkways to welcome families back on the first day of school.
Sept 5th right after the supply drop off

School Clean ups: Come help pick up trash, pull weeds, maybe plant some things and spread mulch. Eat a snack and help beautify the school

Volunteer with the PTA

Volunteers are the backbone of our organization.  Without volunteers we would not be able to offer all of the activities, events, programs or enrichment opportunities that make Terrace Park such an amazing school.  The list of needs a volunteer can fill are endless and the special talents of volunteers cannot be purchased.

Who Can Volunteer? 

You!  Working parents, stay-at-home parents, young adults, grandparents, aunts and uncles, community members-basically anyone can be an invaluable volunteer.  Even if you only have an hour to spare, we can use your help.  Unable to make it to the school during school hours?  There are plenty of volunteer activities that can be done from home.  For security, in-person volunteers must be screened and pre-approved by the Edmonds School District. Get screened now, approval lasts a year.

What Skills Are Required?  

A love of children is all that is required.  While there is always a need for those with expertise in a given area such as communications, marketing, social media, legislation, etc., there are endless tasks at every level.  From stuffing envelopes and stapling packets to supervising and directing children, there is truly something for everyone.

How Often Must I Volunteer?

There is no minimum amount of time required to volunteer.  If you have a spare hour or two once a year, that is enough.  You can run a table at math night, staple student handouts one week, or help at the Book Fair one afternoon.  If you are willing and able to commit more time throughout the year, there are countless volunteer opportunities available, such as heading an activity committee or joining the PTA board. Follow us for Sign-Ups for individual events during the year!

Why Do People Volunteer?

There are many reasons why people volunteer. 

  • Learn something new
  • Get to know our community
  • Gain new skills
  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Help your child's school be better
  • Explore a career

2023 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Thank you for showing your support of our amazing staff!

PTA 's upgrade of the Staff Lounge is complete! The addition of a large comfy couch now draws teachers during lunch and breaks. The couch, fresh paint, artwork and plants help create a needed relaxing place for staff to gather. Connections were limited during social distancing and the community bonding in the lounge is critical for happy staff.